the science & Evidence

Customer testimonials, case studies, academic papers and the science behind our process. Everything you need, in one place, to give you the peace of mind that our service is the only solution you'll ever need to resolve your mould problem. Ready to get a quote? Just hit the button below.

A photograph of a couple and their dogs laughing, sat on their bed.

Trusted by businesses & CUStomers across the UK


whitepapers & Case Studies

A collection of third-party whitepapers, case studies & recommendations to aid your understanding of our technology and how effective it is in the treatment of mould.

Case Study: US Army Engineers

Attached is a link to a study carried out with the US Army Corps of Engineers, demonstrating the efficacy of our dry fog system and the results were examined and are presented below.

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Whitepaper: Pure Maintenance US

Mike Adams is the founder of Pure Maintenance in the United States and the inventor of the technology. Attached is a succinct white paper outlining our technology and process.

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Recommendation: Medical Director

Dr Jeff Wright is the Medical Director of the Utah Valley Health Center. He works primarily with patients who suffer from mould-related illnesses and outlines why he recommends us below.

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Process overview

Why not download the white paper overview of our process written by its creator, Mike Adams.

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before & after

visual remediation

95% of mould is invisible and is either on surfaces not yet having formed a visible colony or in your airspace. Our dry fog eradicates and removes surface & airborne mould, but our technicians are also proficient in the removal of visible mould. Below are a few among hundreds of examples of the visual improvement our technicians can achieve in addition to decontaminating all your surfaces and airspaces.