Do you have a mould problem?

Don't leave it to chance. Contact us today to get a free, no-obligation quote. Our team of consultants can help you understand what's potentially causing your mould issue, recommend a course of action and talk through pricing and availability.
50% of condensation related issues are behaviour related. By following the below steps, there is a healthy chance of never seeing these problems again. Damp and condensation problems are often attributed to lifestyle. It’s a very simple process, warm air evaporates moisture and cold surfaces pull the moisture out of the air.
Cover all pan lids and always turn on the extractor fan when cooking. If possible, close the door to the room so the moisture doesn’t escape into other areas of the home.
Catch the kettle before it boils, or get a kettle with an auto-shot off function as soon as it hits boiling.
High-capacity/high flow extractor fans should be on during your shower, and for up to an hour after finishing. During summer months, open the window during the entire shower.
If at all possible, dry using a tumble dryer that is vented to the outdoors or uses a condensifier. If you absolutely must dry clothes indoors, do not use radiators and use a drying rack to slow the rate of absorption into the air. Use a dehumidifier in the room and open windows during the summer months.
Keep space between furniture and walls to promote healthy air flow and prevent condensation on surfaces.
During summer months, opening windows massively increases the quality of your indoor air. It allows healthy ventilation and circulation of fresh air, lowering risk of dust mites, mould, etc. Reducing humidity in the property through this kind of ventilation actually makes the property feel warmer, even at a colder temperature.
During winter months however, you don’t want to be letting damp/moist air into the home. A simple rule of thumb is that if you couldn’t dry your clothes outside, don’t open the windows. A combination of trickle vents, extractor fans and de-humidifiers is absolutely necessary.
Dehumidifiers keep the indoor (relative) humidity low, which pulls moisture from the air. Small thermo-electric humidifiers are of limited benefit, and moisture absorbers do next to nothing.
Pure Maintenance Recommends... Our Top 3 Affordable Dehumidifiers:
1) Meaco 25L Ultra Low Energy Dehumidifier
2) Pro Breeze® 30L/Day Smart Dehumidifier
3) Meaco 20L Low Energy Dehumidifier and Air Purifier